Yup, it’s been EONS since I posted. So many rare and odd things have happened in my life since November. My, my, my… the stories I could tell, and the things I’d rather not see again. Onward and upward, right? And so I have wholeheartedly elected to don this year with the title of…wait for it…THE YEAR OF GREAT CHANGE. Alas, not outrageous or creative in name, but it works for me. Simple. To the point. And easy to chant during times of “I am close to wimping out on making a decision and taking a leap”. In a nutshell its message reminds me, lovingly, of the phrase that a workout partner used to yell at me years ago when I was trying to eke out the last reps or try something completely out of my comfort zone (and yes, he was an Italian muscle-head in a torn tank top, but kicked my butt as needed!)
He’d shout: “LOSE THE SKIRT, DYKEMAN!” And I loved it. And I DID! And the results paid off.
So, in my Year of Great Change, I have begun with a few curve balls for my old patterns:
- The trademarked pixie haircut is G-O-N_E, my friends. Yup, I finally suffered through the
torment of letting the layers grown out…beyond my little ears…down my neck…and en route to my shoulders. Holy S&!T I look like a different person. For now, you’ll have to believe me and find me in a crowd, as I am still trying to figure out how the heck to style this mop of blonde! I am open to suggestions, after all, it’s been about 15 years since I’ve been able to make a ponytail.
- I changed my whole place around- painted the kitchen cupboards, sold furniture and cookware, bought new pieces and rearranged the whole scene…and I love it. Walking downstairs in the morning to see the warm, French yellow kitchen, new decorations and art, and new coffee mugs makes me smile.
I started to really LISTEN to and APPLY what I am learning in the church sermons delivered at Grace Covenant Church by the fabulous, flawed, humble and honest Matt Cassidy. Finding FREEDOM in timely, time-endured messages has taken a burden off my shoulders. I’ve also realized that it’s much easier to step away from relationships with folks who really don’t match up to my own moral code and chosen path in life. Simply put, judging others, bowing down to money, making entitled assumptions and slamming Christians doesn’t make up for having the same appreciation of Ferris Bueller, boxing or Rush (the OLD Rush, that is). Heck, I can take a seat at any bar and wait about 2 minutes to grab a drink with a complete stranger and chat about these silly things that don’t really matter. Nope. Not for me. I want to surround myself with folks who have a much greater thing in common (yes, we’re talking about being a Christian) and with whom I don’t need to defend my faith… like it’s a controversial band or political event. Knowing that I’m connected to people who thank God when things are fabulous and lean on Him when things are crappy… and pray for me when I ask for cheerleading and support… well, that feeling can’t be emulated or replaced.
Well, that’s enough sharing (soapboxing) for now… but there are more shifts on the horizon, and I cannot wait to see just how they unfold. After all-
“Only those who risk going too far, can possible find out how far they can go.” ~ T.S. Eliot
Until next time… Be fearless. Be provocative. Be HUMAN.